Following our Ofsted inspection in November 2021, we are pleased to tell you that Kew Riverside continues to be a good school. Some highlights from the report include:
- Kew Riverside is a happy and safe place to learn.
- Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are polite and confident. Pupils said that everyone looks out for each other. They are tolerant of others and want their classmates to succeed.
- The school is calm and orderly. Pupils said that staff always have time to listen to them. They said that bullying is very rare in this school.
- Pupils enjoy reading. Teachers read a range of interesting books to pupils every day. Leaders are committed to helping pupils become fluent and confident readers.
- Teachers are knowledgeable and deliver a well-planned curriculum.
- Teachers check what pupils know and remember before moving on. This helps pupils to have a secure knowledge of number that builds over time.
- Leaders prioritise pupils’ personal development. Pupils have a broad range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.
- Leaders have built a community where the pupils are interested in each other, their similarities and differences.
- Staff have taught pupils the language they need, to talk about their emotions. Pupils are thoughtful and wise when discussing the needs and wants of others.
- Leaders and staff are swift to identify pupils with SEND. They plan appropriate adaptations to the curriculum so that pupils achieve well. Pupils with SEND are fully included in school life.
- Leaders have developed other subjects within the curriculum over time.
- Leaders have empowered teachers to lead their subjects well.
- Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. The school rules of ‘be ready, be respectful and be safe’ are understood by pupils.
- Leaders are proactive. They know their pupils well and act early to support pupils who might struggle. As a result of this, behaviour in the school is calm and disruption is rare.
- Staff are proud to work in this school.
- All staff act in the best interests of pupils. They are vigilant and quick to act on any concerns.
- Pupils know how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations. They know who to go to if they have concerns or worries.
Please read the full report below: