How a Governing Body Works?
A governor is one important player in a wider partnership, which also includes parents, the staff in the school, the local authority (LA) and the government. Each of these partners contributes in different ways, supported by a legal framework that sets out their roles and responsibilities.
The aim of all the partners is to make sure that children acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and attitudes needed to play their full part as citizens of the future. We, you, the Headteacher and all the staff have a one simple aim, that is to ensure the children at Kew Riverside leave having reached their full potential and have the tools for learning and the skills for effective studying that they will need as they move on to secondary education.
The number of governors in each school is set out in a legal document called the Instrument of Government. Schools are free to select a model of between 9 and 20 governors. At Kew Riverside we have twelve on our governing body.
As partners in a complex educational management system it is most effective if governors work at a strategic level. Focusing on the big picture and the vision and values of the school, the Head teacher keeps us updated on progress through termly reports to the full governing body and more specific and detailed information at committee meetings.
Our role as governors is:
- To work in partnership with the school and the Local Authority
- To raise standards of education and support school improvement
- To set targets for raising achievement and monitor progress
- To approve policies that will support school improvement and sustain the efficient management of the school.
- To determine the aims and overall conduct of the school
As a governing body, we are ultimately accountable to the various stakeholders. We have numerous formal legal responsibilities: to recruit the headteacher and, with her, the school staff; to undertake the Headteacher's performance management review; to carry out a health and safety audit; to ratify the school’s policies, to name but a few. In addition, under the new short notice Ofsted regime, the inspection is based on an online self-evaluation, and it is our duty to ensure that the SEF (self-evaluation form) is maintained on an ongoing basis to reflect the management, development and success of the school.
The full governing body meets twice a term. If you would like more information on governing body meetings or minutes, please contact the Clerk to Governors via the School Office.