Cold Weather Procedures
Occasionally during the year we suffer spells of very bad weather (e.g. snow). During these times we will always do our best to keep school open. However, there may be occasions that this may not be possible, either because the site is closed or staff cannot get into work. If you are ever in any doubt whether the school will be open, we will always endeavour to make sure that the website is updated with the latest advice. This should be your first point of reference.
In the event that the school due to cold weather, the school will follow the following procedures:
If the decision is made to close the school the day/evening before the school will:
- Update the school website
- Inform Fit for Sport
- Inform any clubs providers
- School to inform parents via ParentMail
- Contact PTA class reps via ParentMail (telephone, email and text message)
- Inform school governors
- Inform Local Authority
PTA will update the PTA FaceBook page
If the decision is made to close the school on the morning of the closure the school will endeavour to to follow the following procedures:
- Caretaker to open up the school
- School staff to arrive at school (Receptionist, Headteacher) . The Headteacher (or Leadership) to make the decision on closing school and then:
- Update the school website
- Inform Fit for Sport
- Inform any clubs providers
- School to inform parents via ParentMail
- Contact PTA class reps via ParentMail (telephone, email and text message)
- Inform school governors
- Inform Local Authority